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What is Hybrid Solar System ?

Solar power systems come in three varieties; on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid. A hybrid solar system has the good features of both on-grid and off-grid solar systems, minus their flaws. The hybrid solar system is connected to the grid via net metering and also has a battery backup to store the power. The energy that solar panels collect goes through a hybrid solar inverter to generate electricity. The most important benefit of a hybrid solar system is the power backup facility. It means you can continue using electricity without disruptions even during power outages. A battery backup helps store the extra power generated by the solar system during peak hours.

How it works ?

Hybrid solar systems produce usable electricity with the help of hybrid solar inverters and batteries. The power stored in the batteries can be used later on. These Hybrid solar systems work in the same manner as traditional grid-tied solar systems. But since they can also store energy, most hybrid systems can function as a backup power source too. They can provide continuous energy even when there is a power outage.

Types of Solar Hybrid Systems

Solar panels can be coupled, or linked, to a battery either through alternating current (AC) coupling or direct current (DC) coupling. AC current flows rapidly on electricity grids both forward and backward. DC current, on the other hand, flows only in one direction. DC current is what is generated by solar panels and stored by batteries, but because appliances use AC current (just look at the AC circuit board you have in your home) the current must be converted via inverters. there are mainly two different types of systems:

In AC-coupled systems, there are separate inverters for the solar panels and the battery. Both the solar panels and the battery module can be discharged at full power and they can either be dispatched together or independently, creating flexibility in how the system operates. The solar panels and battery can either share an interconnection to the grid or run on separate interconnections.

The Advantages of AC Coupled Systems are

  • Retrofitting: AC-coupled batteries are easy to install on an existing solar panel system, and more can be added to expand capacity.
  • Flexibility: Installers are not restricted in where the inverters and batteries can be located. AC coupling works with any type of inverter.
  • Resiliency: The flexibility to install multiple inverters and batteries in different locations helps risk of an outage if an inverter fails. Having multiple inverters provides more combined power and battery faults do not have an impact on power generation.
  • Versatility: AC-coupled systems enable batteries to charge from the grid as well as the solar panels and the grid, so if the solar panels are not generating enough electricity, the battery can still charge from the grid.

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DC-coupled systems typically use solar charge controllers, or regulators, to charge the battery from the solar panels, along with a battery inverter to convert the electricity flow to AC.The solar panels and battery module use the same inverter and share the grid interconnection, reducing the cost of equipment. This also reduces power losses from inverting the current and running separate interconnection lines to the grid, as the solar array and battery are dispatched as a single facility. But this offers less flexibility than an AC system.

The Advantages of DC Coupled Systems are

  • Affordability: DC-coupled systems tend to be cheaper than AC-coupled systems as the solar panels and battery use a single inverter and less extra equipment such as voltage transformers and switchgear.
  • Higher efficiency: Unlike AC systems which convert the current multiple times, DC BESSs only convert the current once, reducing energy losses and making them more efficient..
  • Oversizing: DC-coupled systems allow solar panels to generate more electricity than the inverter rating. The excess energy can be used to charge the battery, an EV charger or a water heating system, whereas in an AC-coupled system the energy is lost.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • Ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit.
  • Ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate trideta storacalaperda mastiro dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.